Aptitude Test
By VRiXXens-
Your job is to give aptitude tests to candidates for various positions. Sometimes, they need a certification for their job, and other times, it's to pass an educational course.
The job itself is pretty boring, but you have a smoking-hot assistant that makes it all worthwhile. Miley Sinn is always dresses like she's going to a cocktail party, and you've had to learn how to restrain yourself, so you don't have a raging boner whenever she's around.
After your last client, Miley is feeling extra horny, and she's looking so fucking sexy in her floor-length dress and horn-rim glasses. She seduces you with some sensual groping and rubbing, but even if she just read the phone book, you'd be compelled to fuck her brains out no matter what. She's that hot. You even give her a sensual foot rub to get her motor running. Hiring her was the smartest decision you've ever made.
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Miley is hot! For me she passed the Test :)
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